I came into production design in 2006. I was a freshman at Emerson College in Boston. My girlfriend at the time was working on a project for class and asked me to run the art department. My first act? Running to the library to look up the definition of "production designer". I knew only vaguely what it entailed, so I wanted to make sure I knew everything about the process that would be expected of me.
For that project, I had to create a meatloaf that could have been made out of human. (Note: Never mix SPAM and baked beans together in a dorm room. It freaks your roommate out.) Since then, I've put a human head in a fake trashcan, built an interior of a human stomach large enough for actors to stand in, and dressed a bathroom to look like a corporate office. Production design, in my opinion, is the most exicting department on set. The visual world of the movie is so crucial, yet so often overlooked. Great scenic design is completely invisible. It looks completely like the real world.
I must admit I've lost some of my zeal for it recently. This blog will, hopefully, help me rekindle my love for it. With any luck some others will enjoy it as well.